Burnsville Uncorked Wine Tasting, November 14, 2024, Ames Center in Burnsville, MN 55337
Ticket Price: $50.00* (in advance, $60 at the door) (*If purchasing with credit card there will be a $2.50 handling fee $52.50)

To order tickets simply click on the Buy Now link below and enter the number of tickets and click on continue. Payment may be made via PayPal or with any major credit card. To pay via credit card click on the Pay with Debit or Credit Card button and you will be directed to the credit card process. Note: you will NOT be required to sign up for a PayPal account. Tickets will be available for pickup at the next Noon Club Burnsville Rotary meeting or, if preferred, will be mailed to you. If you would like to have the tickets mailed to you please note that in the comments section of the order form. Tickets ordered are not refundable.
Ticket Price is $50.00, paying with credit card will automatically add a $2.50 Handling fee making the total ticket price $52.50.